Automatic Entry Doors – The Client
With their main automatic entry doors failing to operate correctly, both customers and staff of a convenience store in Salisbury were tasked with negotiating a slow, obstructive door system on a regular basis. As a result, the proprietors reached out to ERREKA to provide an effective solution to their nagging problem. The proprietors were keen to implement a fresh new entrance in an attempt to revitalise the store; improving the customer experience.
The Requirements
The client sought a sleek, elegant solution, providing customers with an attractive, though ultimately functional, design. The entrance would allow for space-saving, enabling more daylight to enter the shop; this would make the interior floor more airy and less claustrophobic. In terms of aesthetics, the client requested that the doors came in RAL Brown. More importantly, however, was that the doors were effective and reliable. As a result, they would need to withstand heavy traffic during peak shopping hours. What is more, the doors would need to meet the latest Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) requirements; this would ensure that disabled customers also recieve an excellent shopping experience.
The Result
The RAL Brown Automatic Doors came complete with the ERTAIN Opener; an opener renown for its durability and reliability. This meant that the propietors could rest assured that their doors would continue to operate smoothly for the long term. What is more, like all of our openers, the ERTAIN meets the latest health and safety regulations; this means that our doors are fully compliant with the DDA. The end product was a delight for our client; raising the profile of the store whilst making life easier for disabled customers.
If you would like any further information about what we can do for you. Please call ERREKA on 01275 871787.
ERREKA are members of ADSA – The Automatic Doors Suppliers Association.