Automatic Doors – The Client
A large contractor recently contacted ERREKA requesting assistance with the installation of a set of automatic doors; the doors would complete a cycle hub attached to a train station in Bolton. It was apparent that the client intended to establish a secure location for customers to store their bicycles. Certainly, with bike crime on the increase, the client hoped that the cycle hub would provide members with the confidence to commute to work more regularly on their bicycles.
The Requirements
So, the client clearly expects the shelter to be extremely durable; with the ability to withstand frequent usage, every day knocks and scrapes, as well as all weather conditions. What is more, with the shelter catering for members only, the doors would require access control to prevent theft. The cycle shelter should house safety glass in order to ensure that cyclists cannot injure themselves whilst transporting their bikes into the hub. Finally, the automatic doors must provide a simple, cost effective solution which complies with the latest safety regulations.
The Result
ERREKA recommended that a set of aluminium swing doors were installed with the PREMIS 250 opener; this opener is renown for its strength and durability ensuring that the doors are up for the task. What is more, the PREMIS 250 meets the European Standard EN 16005 safety regulations; this means that the doors comply with the Disability Discrimination Act while providing modern safety features designed to protect users from injury. With the addition of the access control panel, certified members are able to gain access to the hub with a swipe card or by simply entering a key code. Pleased with the result, the client commented that the new hub has been a great success. By providing the extra peace of mind, customers have taken advantage of their bikes and made the most of links from the train station.
If you would like any further information with regards to how Automatic Door solutions can make a difference for you. Please call ERREKA Auto Doors & Shopfronts UK LTD on 01275 871787.
ERREKA are members of ADSA – The Automatic Doors Suppliers Association.